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Apostle Arnetta Armour-Salazar

Overseer/Founding Pastor

Then the LORD told me: “I will give you my message in the form of a vision. Write it clearly enough to be read at a glance.” Habakkuk 2:2 CEV

The Vision

To become and operate as pairs of Heaven Hands; offering a “divine” help that reaches out to help and assist others. Anointed “Servants” approved by God to provide a healing help to whosoever; spiritually, naturally and professionally in a variety of ways.

Mission Statement

To seek out and win the “lost souls,” the “broken hearted,” the “poor” and to help set the “captives” free. To provide assistance through preaching and teaching God’s word. Helping them to achieve personal and spiritual enrichment through training sessions, conferences, workshops, seminars, other special programs and referral services.

Our Purpose

To “Simplify” the Word of God.

To "Empower”, “Assist” and “Serve” those that seek change through Christ; using the same love that God’s heaven hands extends towards us.

To be a “spiritual transforming center” that provides godly direction, education, instruction and godly counsel.

To assist whosoever with changing their lives and their surrounding environment

by God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ.

Revised:9-10-10 by Apostle Arnetta Salazar, CEO/President and The Board of Directors of

Heaven Hands Ministries International Church, Inc.



We believe that the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, is the divinely inspired and only authoritative Word of God; supreme and final in its authority in matters of faith and practice. The Bible stands unique and alone above all books. For this reason we believe every lesson should be based upon Scripture. Every lesson a Bible lesson with Scripture applied to present-day Christian living.


We believe in the Triune God of the Holy Bible, the God who created the world, who made man in His own image, who so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son for man's redemption; after whose death, burial and resurrection here on earth and ascension to heaven, he, God sent the Holy Spirit into the earth to preserve and keep those that belong to him through Christ Jesus.


We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ, that He is co-eternal and co-equal with God the Father. We believe the Bible record of His virgin birth, sinless life, words, works, vicarious death, bodily resurrection and ascension, and promise of His personal return. Christ came into the world to provide salvation through faith in Him as Savior and Lord, and to restore man to fellowship with God.


We believe that God the Holy Spirit, as revealed in the Bible, is a Person co-equal and co-eternal with God the Father and God the Son. The Holy Spirit brings an awareness of guilt, brings about the new birth, and indwells the believer (once one is baptized in the Spirit) so that he can lead a godly life. The Holy Spirit strengthens faith, brings comfort and peace in time of sorrow and distress, enlightens our hearts and minds to understand and apply the truth in Christ and the Bible.


While we believe that all men have been given a measure of faith, we believe that men who have received God's forgiveness for sin through Christ's atoning death and triumphant resurrection possess “saving” faith. This faith awakened and strengthened by the preached Word of God. Believers strive to express this saving faith through the total commitment of their lives to Christ as Savior, Lord and King.


We believe that man in his natural state is a sinner-lost, undone, without hope, and without God. In his renewed spiritual state through Christ Jesus is saved and can stay saved by staying committed to Christ and his word (doctrine).


We believe that men become children of God by "true" repentance, turning from sin and turning to Christ as Savior. True repentance results in a changed life. After which the believer then seeks to live his life according to the will of God.


We believe in the saving power of the blood of Jesus Christ and His imputed righteousness.


We believe the terms of salvation are repentance to God for sin and a personal, heartfelt faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. This is how the new birth occurs, which we call being "born again, " or "Baptism into Christ." Salvation is free, and is possible only through God's grace, not by our works. Good “godly” works are simply the fruit of salvation.


1. Water Baptism

We believe that Water Baptism should immediately follow Salvation, the experience of the new birth (being "born again"), as a public witness to one's faith

2. Holy Spirit Baptism

We believe in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, with the evidence of speaking in other and unknown tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. That it is for all believers as promised by John the Baptist, Jesus, and Peter. The fulfillment of this promise was witnessed by early disciples of Christ and operates in many present-day disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.


We believe that the Christian life is lived by "trust" in Jesus Christ and fellowship with Him, for He is "the way, the truth, and the life." The Christian life manifests itself in service to God and service to fellow men of all races. It is summed up in the two great commandments: to love God with all our hearts, souls, strength, and minds; and to love our neighbors as ourselves.


We believe that the Church, which is described in the Scriptures as Christ's body, thus the "Body of Christ" is composed of all people who have accepted Jesus Christ in faith and have committed their lives to Him. The Church, "spiritually" conceived, is a living organism which expresses itself through dedicated Christians in all believers, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.


We believe that the two ordinances of the Body of Christ are

1. Water Baptism

2. The Lord's Supper


We believe that God has used doctors, medicines, and other natural means as channels of healing; however, we believe that divine healing is provided for the believers in the atonement made by Jesus' blood shed on the cross. For it is written, "for I am the LORD that healeth thee ." We believe that divine healing may be received by the laying on of hands by the elders, by the prayer of an anointed person gifted by the Holy Spirit to heal the sick, and or by a direct act of receiving healing by faith.


The Kingdom of God is the rule of God, which has as its final goal the overcoming of every force which resists God's will. The Kingdom of God now manifests itself in the spiritual realm through believers, those who have accepted and responded to the claims of God's Kingdom through Christ. The Church, while not identical with the Kingdom of God , is a present manifestation of it. The Kingdom of God will be consummated when Christ comes again.


We believe that eternal life is life with God forever. When man comes into the transforming, saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and lives (daily, here in the earth) according to God's will through Christ, it, "eternal life" is the reward promised him; to forever be with God.


We believe that heaven is everlasting bliss, and that it is reserved for all of those who have accepted the love and forgiveness of God and live a holy and righteous life, revealed in Christ. We believe that hell is the final destination for all of those who have rejected (by never accepting him or by once having a relationship with him then turning away from him, never coming back to him) Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. That they will forever be separated from Christ.

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